City Council’s 2025 Work Plan
At a study session this Tuesday evening, City Council will discuss and largely finalize its 2025 work plan. City Council’s work plan is a prioritized and scheduled list of the items that City Council plans to address throughout the year. For reference, you can access City Council’s 2024 work plan here. The work plan is of utmost importance: by prioritizing and scheduling City Council’s work, the plan directs the whole City’s work throughout the year, accomplished by our capable staff. While various obligations—like adherence to state and local law and provision of core City services—and various decisions—like approval of the previous year’s work plan and the City’s budget—dictate much of the work plan, there is still considerable room to shape the work plan.
The meeting on Tuesday (14 January) starts at 5:00 pm in the Louisville Public Library’s Meeting Room. You can access the meeting packet here. You can provide input before, during, or after the meeting. If you would like to provide input prior to the meeting, then email all of City Council at, or contact me at or through my website’s contact form. If you would like to provide input at the meeting, then attend in person or virtually to make public comments; City’s Council’s meeting information webpage provides more information. City Council will not formally approve its 2025 work plan until a subsequent regular City Council meeting. If you would like to provide input after Tuesday’s meeting, perhaps informed by the outcomes of City Council’s discussion, then contact City Council as above or make public comments at a subsequent City Council meeting. I look forward to considering your input.